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Happy Girl

Toddler Sessions

Canopy Forest School Stay and Play Sessions have been especially designed for toddlers and their parents and carers.


Each week, our two hour play based sessions will be run by qualified early years teachers and Forest School leaders who are talented in capturing the interests and fascinations of preschool children. Every week will take on a theme, a linked story, have songs around a camp fire and lots and lots of child-initiated learning. Please note we are not a childcare facility and all parents and carers must remain onsite with their child at all times.


Our session will run every Monday morning during the school term times 10.00am-12.00pm at Chandler's Ford Infant School and cost £10 per session which are paid for in half term blocks.

"I just wanted to say thank you for what you are doing at Chandlers Ford Infant School Play and Stay sessions.


My children loved it so much that they tried to persuade me to let them come every day. They have now begun to talk excitedly about starting school in September at Chandler’s Ford Infants.


It has also been great to come and join in ourselves such good therapy for us too.

Thank you, "


Esther Ridsdale

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