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Online Consent Forms

To ensure that we can keep you safe and that we fulfil all of our legal and heath and safety responsibilities we do need to ask you to fill out our online consent form before you come along to one of our courses. Forms must be completed by any person over the age of 18 and by a parent if a child is attending the course.


Canopy Forest School accepts its responsibility to make its courses as safe as is reasonably possible. However,  accidents can happen without any contributory negligence from Canopy Forest School. 


All information will be held securely and confidentially and will only be shared with those who have a role or responsibility in managing the administration of medication.  


Adult Consent Form

This form must be completed by any person over the age of 18 before they may participate in any activities organised by Canopy Forest School.  All information contained in this form will be treated as confidential. 




Below are full details of any illness, allergies, medical conditions or special needs that may affect my participation in activities including medication requirements. If you are bringing any medication with you please bring in pharmacy labelled containers with name and dosage required.


Canopy Forest School accepts its responsibility to make its courses as safe as is reasonably practicable. However,  accidents can happen without any contributory negligence from Canopy Forest School. Canopy Forest School can accept no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property or for personal injury not arising as a result of its own act or default. I understand and accept the above statements and accept that I have a responsibility to take careful note of instructions and to act in a way that will minimise the likelihood of injury. I am fit for the course and will inform Canopy Forest School before the course of any special medical conditions that might affect my safety.


Sometimes, during the course pictures are taken. These may be used for our own publicity purposes, for example on static displays, website, information leaflets or annual reports. If you have no objection to photographs being used in this way, please let us know by signing below. You can be assured we would never consider making use of a picture, which might cause embarrassment.














Thanks for submitting!

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